


Pursuant to 第五节04 of the Pennsylvania 知情权 Law (“RTKL”), 65 P.S. §67.101, the 塞迪斯史蒂文斯理工学院 (the “College”) has adopted the following policies and procedures governing citizens access to the College’s public 记录:

第一节. 公开记录主任

  • 学院特此任命罗珊娜·韦克利, 行政助理, 参与办公室, 股本, 和包容, 作为学院的公开记录主任, 不时地, 可指定一名候补公开记录主任. The College will publicly post contact information for the 公开记录主任 and Alternate 公开记录主任, 如果有任何, 在其网站上.
  • 如欲联络公开纪录主任,请致电公开纪录主任, 塞迪斯史蒂文斯理工学院, 750 E. King Street, 兰开斯特, Pennsylvania 17602; phone 717-391-3553; fax 717-299-7748; email address: humanresources@longhai66.com

第二节. 一般

  • 所有被视为公共记录的文件均应供查阅, 检索, and duplication in accordance with the RTKL and this Right-To-Know Inspection and 检索 of documents deemed public 记录 may be obtained at the College by appointment only.
  • All the definitions set forth in the RTKL are incorporated into this policy by reference.
  • The regular business hours of the College are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. 到下午4:30.m. Business days exclude Saturday and Sunday and a weekday on which the College is closed for business.

第三节. 请求

  • 编写要求: 要求视察, 检索, and duplication of the College’s public 记录 must be submitted in writing to the College 公开记录主任 on the RTKL制服申请表. Request forms will be accepted when submitted in person, via e-mail, and/or via facsimile.
  • The request must identify on the request form and in reasonable detail the record or 记录 sought and the form in which the 记录 are being requested. The request must also include the name and address of the person to whom a response should be addressed.
  • 如申请人选择不使用RTKL统一申请表, 该请求将被视为非正式请求, 不受《皇冠体育娱乐场网址》规管. This means that the Requester cannot pursue the relief and remedies provided for in the RTKL.

第四节. 响应

  • The 公开记录主任 shall review all written requests for access to public 记录. 尽快, but no later than five (5) business days after receiving a written request to access public 记录, the 公开记录主任 shall respond to such requests in writing consistent with the RTKL.
  • 响应s to public 记录 requests will be handled under the following guidelines:
    • 被拒绝: If the 公开记录主任 does not send a response to the request within five (5) business days of its receipt, 该请求被视为拒绝.
    • 扩展: If the 公开记录主任 determines that more than five (5) days is required to evaluate and respond to the request, 根据《皇冠体育娱乐场网址》第902条, 然后应发出通知,表明该请求正在审核中, 复习的原因, 以及提供回复的日期. The extension date shall not exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the extension notice unless the Requester consents to an extension beyond thirty (30) days.
    • 否定: 如公开纪录主任认为应拒绝有关要求, 然后应发送响应,描述所请求的记录, 解释拒绝的原因, 并规定了上诉的程序.
    • 格兰特: 如公开纪录主任认为有关要求应予批准, 然后将发送一个响应,指示何时, 在学院的正常营业时间内, 记录可以被检查, 或者如果需要复制, 为支付重复费用而评估的费用(如果有的话)和, 视交付方式而定, the cost of mailing if the requester elects not to pick up the 记录 in person. 如果与请求相关的估计费用超过100美元, the College may require prepayment of the fees before granting the request.
    • 破坏性的请求: The 公开记录主任 may deny a requester access to a record if the requester has made repeated requests for that same record and the repeated requests have placed an unreasonable burden on the College.
    • 灾难或潜在损害: 在下列情况下,公开纪录主任可拒绝申请人查阅纪录:
      • timely access is not possible due to fire, flood or other disaster; or
      • 历史, 古老的, 或稀有文件, 记录, 档案, 而手稿可能会, 对策展人或公开纪录主任的专业判断有影响, 但是,造成物理损害或不可挽回的伤害, 尽可能地, the contents of a record under this section shall be made accessible to a requester even when the record is physically unavailable.
    • 大学的自由裁量权: The College may exercise its discretion to make any otherwise exempt record accessible for inspection and copying, 法律不禁止披露记录的, 规例或法庭命令, 记录不受特权保护, and the 公开记录主任 determines that the public interest favors access.
    • 商业秘密和/或机密专有信息: If a third party provided the record and included a written statement signed by a representative of the third party that the record contains a trade secret or confidential proprietary information:
      • The 公开记录主任 will provide notice in writing to the third- party within five (5) business days.
      • The third party shall have five (5) business days from the date it receives notification from the College to provide input on the release of the record.
      • Within ten (10) business days from the date the College provided notice to the third party, the 公开记录主任 shall either release the record or deny the release of the record to the requester in accordance with the procedures provided in the RTKL for issuing a denial.
    • 查阅及复制公共纪录: If a request for inspection of the College’s public 记录 is granted pursuant to this policy, the 公开记录主任 will inform the requester of a time during the College’s normal business hours for the inspection of the public 记录. 如要求提供公共记录的副本, the duplicates shall be provided upon payment in accordance with this policy and related College fee schedule.

第五节. 费用

  • 标准收费: The College will charge fees consistent with the RTKL Fee Structure available at http://www.pa.gov / RTKL / FeeStructure.cfm. 常见的标准收费包括:
    • 黑白复印本:每页每面25美分.
    • 彩色纸副本:每页每面50美分.
    • 专门文件包括, 但不限于, 图纸及非标准尺寸文件:实际制作成本.
    • CD/DVD:实际生产成本(最高3美元).00 /盘).
    • u盘/其他介质:实际生产成本.
    • 认证唱片:5美元.每条记录00美元.
    • 邮寄:USPS一级邮资的费用.
  • 预付费用:
    • 在批准RTKL请求之前, the College may require prepayment if the total fees are estimated to exceed $100.00.

第六节. 上诉

  • 上诉的条件: All appeals must be filed within 15 business days of the mailing date of the College’s denial, 部分否定, 或者被视为拒绝请求. All appeals must be in writing; must state the grounds upon which the Requester asserts that the requested 记录 are public 记录; must address any grounds stated by the College for denying the request; and must include a copy of the request and the College’s response, 如果有任何.
  • 一般而言,拒绝记录:
    • 上诉应向执行主任提出, 公开档案办事处, 联邦楔石大厦, 街市街333号, 16层, 哈里斯堡, PA 17101-2234.
  • 拒绝提供有关刑事调查的记录:
    • 上诉 shall be filed with the 兰开斯特 County District Attorney’s 知情权 上诉 Officer, 兰开斯特县地方检察官办公室, 北杜克街50号, 邮政信箱83480, 兰开斯特, PA 17608-3480.